Thursday, July 22, 2010

Professional Development Blog

I am still toying with the idea of how I can make an action research project work with 63 school districts. I have been training science teachers almost every day this summer on the new science standards, EOC Success for Biology, 5-8 Science Academies and English Language Proficiency Standards. I have been very impressed with the class blog and how quickly we have all taken to sharing our experiences with each other. One idea that I am now thinking about is providing a professional development session where I invite the teachers that I have worked with this summer to come to the ESC for a day and create a personal blog page. Then I would like to teach them how to follow each other's blog. Once this has been set up I would like the group to determine areas of focus (an action research project) to implement within their classroom. The group can then follow each other's progress throughout the semester and perhaps come back together towards the end of the semester/year to go back over their results and brainstorm new ideas for the next semester/year. I could see doing this many times and building small groups of teachers who are working with and supporting each other through the use of technology. By setting up professional development sessions, I can work with smaller groups at a time and then replicate the work many times over.

1 comment:

  1. Patricia,

    You would then be creating Professional Learning Communities(PLC), how powerful! I think it's a great topic to have the teachers create their own personal blog. From personal experience, let me tell you that I just started learning how to use blogs as PLC. You are absolutely right, taking 68 different campuses where you work will require planning and structure, but if you take a small group at a time until you get the number of teachers needed to achieve your goal sounds reasonable. It's a great professional development opportunity for any teacher!
